Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pre-op Day

Pre-op day and we are on our way to the hospital.  Charlotte keeps asking where we going and Brian keeps telling telling her we are going to the hospital.  We get all checked in with admitting, then up to SDS to check in and we have a wonderful nurse named Christan.  We meet Christan when we cam down in March.  We instantly made a connection with her, so we were happy to see a familiar face.  Pre-op is scheduled from 9 - 2 today, not to happy about that. 

We start off with weight, blood pressure, temperature, you know the usual stuff.  Then Charlotte gets a EEG, then we go to Echo.  So far so good, then the nurse puts this cream and a band-aid on both arms and Charlotte hates band-aids.  I know what's coming, hopefully it will only take one stick!  Dr. Bradley comes in to talk to Brian and I about what he has decided to do and we are a little taken back.  The procedure is something that hasn't been mentioned to us until this minute, it's kind of a blow??  I really don't know how else to describe it.  We were under the impression that this was going to be a simple surgery.  Anyway, A Bi-Directional Glen procedure, closure of the ASD with a fenestration, and remove the shunt that she has will be done.  The surgery is scheduled to last 5- 6 hours.  I just start praying immediately after talking and taking in all this information.  Dr. Bradley seems to think the Glen is the best route because of the small right ventricle that Charlotte has, but she will still be able to use the ventricle.  This is good news, so we agree that Dr, Bradley knows what is best and we sign the consent form.  The Nurse gives us some instructions about a special bath that I have to give Charlotte 0_0, wow, it is crazy what you have to do to get ready for surgery.  We meet with Anesthesia, Cardiology, and the blood draw and we are FINALLY finished!  It is now 3:30 in the after noon and it is just crazy that it takes all day to get through what we just went through. 

Off to the Ronald McDonald house to get checked in and meet up with Oma, Papa and Lily, then off to eat, play and have a good time.   We have met some friends for supper that live down here and it is great to see them.  Charlotte has found a new friend and she is so sweet to Jayden, she want leave him alone. 

Finally off to the park to play out so we can get back to the room for a bath and to bed.  We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m., but I have to get Charlotte up for another special bath before we leave so looks like we have to get up about 3:30 - 4:00 a.m.  Fun times at the park!!!  I am happy that my parents are here and have brought Lily.  The girls play well together and they are having a great time.  I hate that we have to leave, but surgery looms and we have to get ready.

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