Saturday, May 12, 2012

Post-Op Day Two

Brian and I stayed with Charlotte last night til she fell asleep, which was 10 p.m.  It makes for a long day when we just sit in the unit all day long not being able to hold her.  When we left, we asked the nurse to call us if she woke asking for us.  Never got a phone call, so I pray that everything went well.  The nurse told us she watched movies when she woke, but didn't stay awake long.    I hate leaving her!!  Until this trip, I have not spent one night away from her and I absolutely hate that she's not sleeping with me.  I find myself waking up in the middle of the night looking for her.

We got to the unit around 8 a.m. and she's awake watching movies and looks like the Queen on PCICU.  The nurse tells us that Charlotte has had a few episodes of vomiting, but it was clear so they think it's just mucus.  Still, I get a little worried, but after a few episodes while I am there and see for myself that most of it is just juice and water that she has just drank, I don't worry as much.  Cathy the NP stoped by and told me not to worry to much because day 2 seems to be the worst for some reason.    Charlotte is asking me to hold her and I can't, so I try my best to climb in the bed with her and hold her.  The nurse decides to give her some Zophran and it helps a lot.  After about an hour Charlotte is asking for something to drink and I asked for a Popsicle to give her.  Charlotte isn't much on Popsicles, but she is absolutely tearing this one up!!!  I'm sure it feels good in her dry mouth.
 This afternoon was an exciting day!!!  We were kicked out of the unit because of a surgery case that had came back, but when we got back, Charlotte was missing some lines:)  The nurse had taken out her IJ line, this line is in her jugular vein in her neck and the arterial line in her wrist, also had taken away the O2, and the bandage off her incision.  YEA, getting a little closer to 8D!!  I get so excited when the little things start to happen:) 
Look at this beautiful face, finally a smile that will make any heart melt!!!  This day has turned out to be a pretty good day after all.  Me found out about 5:30 that we were moving to the floor and by 6:15 we were gone.  It is great to be walking the "MILE".  Brian and I both had tears of happiness flowing because that Mile is the best mile ever.  It means that Charlotte has accomplished so much and that it want be to much longer before we see Maggie, Anna, Emma, Lily and Campobello!!!  Thank you Lord for your blessings.

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