Happy Mother's Day to me:) I miss my older girls so much, I hate that we are away from one another, prayerfully it want be much longer before we are back home and all together. So last night was uneventful to my surprise, at least til 4 a.m. The nurse came in and was checking vital and asked if Charlotte had a wet diaper. I proceed to check and sure enough, she was soaked, bed and all! So I changed her diaper and washed her off and the nurse changed the bed sheets. After all that excitement, Charlotte wanted me to sleep with her. I'm thinking how is this possible??? Well, I scoot her over to the side of the bed, Chest tube, wires, everything I can move and SQUEEZE in the best I can:) After I got in and somewhat comfortable, she snuggles up to me and rubs her face on my shirt like she always does at home. I knew I was where I was suppose to be. It was nice to see her snugly and happy:) It took forever for us to fall asleep, or so I thought, then a knock at the door at 5 a.m. - X-ray. It didn't take long and back to sleep we went til daddy woke us up at 7:30, come in the room. Dr. Savage came in this morning for rounds. The x-ray still shows some fluid built up on the right side, but not as bad as yesterday. He wants to leave the chest tube in another day and if we want we can go to the Atrium or even outside for a walk. Brian and I was happy with the news, an uneventful day to just get her out and about and working on getting the fluid gone. Maybe an hour later, Dr. Bradley walks in the room, all smiles and has decided to pull the chest tube!!!! OMG I am screaming inside, I am happy, but nervous because I know another traumatic morning:( Morphine here we come. Dr. Bradley said as long as she does well today and her afternoon x-ray looks the same or better he will leave her alone. If it has changed for the worse, he will have to place a small chest tube to drain the fluid on the right side:( Not something I wanted to hear or even think about, so I'm looking at my glass half full today and pray for no complications!!! As soon as Dr. Bradley leaves, Charlotte passes out asleep and has slept very well this morning. Seems her O2 has been off since last night too, but her O2 is even better now that the tube is gone!! Check out this sleeping position, I think she looks so cute:)

So the day has gone really good. Brian and I have gotten her out and about wondering the halls this afternoon, and Charlotte has done really well. Charlotte has walked the halls of 8D and 7C, walked the unit, we even took her outside and she chased after a pigeon. I honestly think we may get to go home in a day or two at this rate!!! She loves riding in the wagon and I get so tickled at her and Brian, he keeps telling her that what happens in Charleston, stays in Charleston.

She definitely is getting spoiled while we are here. Waiting on her hand and foot, man it must be nice. I just hope she doesn't get to use to it so when we get back to reality she doesn't expect it. The only trouble we have had this afternoon is the IV. The lasix can run through the IV, but when the flush runs, she complains that it hurts. The nurse decided to run the flush slower to see if it helped and it did. Then tonight the nurse came in at 10 p.m. to get the IV lasix running and Charlotte screamed. I asked the nurse to turn the IV off and see if she could just get her lasix orally. I didn't realize it would take an act of congress to get that to happen. The nurse paged the doctor and because Dr. Bradley decided to wait til morning on an x-ray, the night doctor ordered an x-ray to check her lungs because the chest tube was pulled this morning. So we play the waiting game while we wait on the x-ray report and the decision on the oral med. I pray to the Lord that she can get the oral meds, if she can't she will have to endure another stick for and IV that she will only need for a few doses of IV lasix. Needless to say I am not real happy at the thought of torturing my daughter for that. The x-ray came back and the doctor has added another fluid med and it has to be given IV. I am not happy, but if it helps pull the fluid off then lets get it started. Now the test to see how the IV holds up. Lord, PLEASE be with my baby and help her get through this round of meds so she doesn't have to endure another IV!!